Ivo Andric Society

About Ivo Andric Society
Ivo Andric Society is a community development initiative supported by Eagle Space Group. It is registered charity with Australian Charities and Non-for-profits Commission and incorporated under regulations governed by the Government of Australian Capital Territory.
Ivo Andric Society has its Model Rules and in addition to Ivo Andric Society Model Rules the organisation has the following Statement of Objects as a charity organisation in Australia.
Advance Culture
The Ivo Andric Society is established to be a charity whose purpose is to advance culture by holding cultural events and exhibitions for the public that showcase aspects of Serbian culture that Australians of Serbian and non-Serbian heritage can relate to, can learn from and be inspired by. These may include:

Promoting mutual respect and tolerance between groups of people in Australia
The Ivo Andric Society is established to be a charity with the purpose of promotion mutual respect and tolerance between all groups of people in Australia by running initiatives that would engage all segments of the community of Serbian heritage to participate in local Australian community projects. These may include:

Serbian eClassroom
Ivo Andric Society has initiated a project Serbian eClassroom with aim to launch different online tools and enable online schooling of Serbian language for Serbian diaspora and foreigners willing to learn Serbian language. The first product to develop and launch will be android platform app for learning Serbian cases (padeži). Once this is completed it will move to other tools for learning Serbian grammatical rules.
The project has been supported by the Office for Cooperation with Diaspora and Serbs in the region of the Serbian Government’s Department for Foreign Affairs. Ivo Andric Society will engage other organisations to deliver the project as a global tool.
This project will design, develop and release a new mobile application to help learners of Serbian language to improve their skills in using [padezi] in spoken and written Serbian. The resulting application will be suitable for both iOS and Android smartphones and tablet devices.
Originally conceived as a supplement to classroom learning, this application can also help to nurture Serbian language [“jezicki identitet”] beyond the classroom. It is problematic that, so far into the Fourth Industrial Revolution, there is still a distinct lack of digital tools that respond to the needs of various subgroups within the Serbian diaspora.
Using digital tools for learning is more than a desire among today’s diaspora’s youth and adults, it is an expectation: their daily lives have made them accustomed to having digital tools available as part of any learning activity, whether classroom-linked or not. The challenge therefore is not in finding motivated users but in creating relevant and well-designed content which truly responds to their language learning needs.
It is particularly appropriate that in this project there is a symbolic drawing together of diasporic and native Serbian expertise: an idea, conceived from authentic understanding of challenges faced by the diaspora, will be resolved through the technical execution and programming expertise in the motherland.

National Multicultural Festival 2018
Ivo Andric Society has successfully implemented its first project on promoting Serbia and its culture at the National Multicultural Festival 2018, held between 16 and 18 February 2018 in Canberra. The festival has been organised in the centre of town and is a fun, free, family-friendly event that includes activities, shows, food and culture stalls, dancing and celebrations.
Stallholders sell food and drinks and present their cultural heritage and countries of origin. Ivo Andric Society successfully presented Serbia and Serbian culture at the event and Eagle Space Group was proud to support Ivo Andric Society. SBS Radio program in Serbian captured the event and Ivo Andric Society participation in the following radio stories:
Serbians at the 2018 National Multicultural Festival this weekend in Canberra
Serbian community at the Multicultural Festival in Canberra
You can access the official National Multicultural Festival website here.
Ivo Andric Society has issued Public Report about the event .

Serbian Folkloric Festival in Sydney 2018
Ivo Andric Society and Australian Serbian Executive Council have successfully promoted several projects at the Serbian Folkloric Festival held in Sydney in August 2018. The initiatives include Ravna Gora Reconstruction Project and King Peter the First in Honour to Serbia movie production.

Serbian Language School
Ivo Andric Society has intention to take over Dositej Serbian Language School project from Eagle Space Group in an effort to take the school to next level and engage wider Serbian community in Canberra. Eagle Space Group initiated Dositej Serbian Language School as an inaugural community development project with the aim to give the project to wider community, once it is established and developed to the self-sufficient level where community has enough teaching resources for successful management of a community language project.
This is an ongoing work which requires investment from government. Ivo Andric Society is in the process to obtain relevant government grants from the Australian government agencies and enable Serbian community in Canberra with resources required for managing a community language school.
Ivo Andric Society has also made initiative to the Serbian government to include facilities for Serbian School into project to build new Embassy of the Republic of Serbian in Australia.

Centenary of Armistice and break tough of the Salonika (Balkan) Frontline
Ivo Andric Society has had a part of commemorating Centenary of Armistice and break tough of the Salonika (Balkan) Frontline as part of number of activities in 2018 commemorating end of the First World War. Ivo Andric Society has assisted efforts made by the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in September 2018, especially around organising events dedicated to the Australians and New Zealanders who supporter war efforts of Serbia, during the First World War, including screening of documentary The Long Road to War I , and event in the Australian War Memorial in Canberra. The project has been implemented under specific Business name DESCENDANTS AND FRIENDS OF SERBIAN SOLDIERS IN THE GREAT WAR and its 1300 Corporals short name.
The outcome of the effort has been reflected on the Australian War memorial website with an articleAustralian and New Zealanders on the Serbian Front. The article brings the surface lost historical connection between two nations.

Inaugural Committee
Ivo Andric Society has its Inaugural Committee and is in the process of recruiting new Committee Members in order to complete work on establishing the organisation and reaching its full potential.
Inaugural Committee Members are: Maria Cuk Milbridge, Rebecca Tesic and Ivan MIletic Milbridge.